medicare vision
*We are not affiliated with or connected with *Medicare or any other government program or agency.

Vision Insurance


Original *Medicare Vision Insurance does not cover vision benefits like glasses, contacts, or services like vision exams. Instead, you are required to spend out of pocket for these services.

However, there’s another option available to you. You can receive vision coverage through a Medicare Advantage plan.


Medicare Advantage Plans offer several benefits:

➔ Routine vision exams

➔ Glaucoma Screening

➔ Cataracts Surgery

➔ Eyeglasses

➔ Contact lenses

➔ Diabetic Retinopathy


These benefits are provided through a Medicare Vision Plan HMO or PPO plan, as long as you meet specific criteria. You must have both Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B coverage and enroll during a qualifying enrollment period.

“Not every plan includes all the benefits listed above or mentioned on this site. It is essential to consult a licensed professional for guidance.”

Medicare Part A Vision Benefits

Medicare Part A only covers vision care in cases of medical emergencies or traumatic injuries. It does not extend to routine eye exams or refractions. If you rely solely on Medicare Part A for vision coverage, you are responsible for covering the entire cost of your vision needs.



Medicare Part B Vision Benefits

Medicare Part B provides some coverage for vision care, excluding routine eye exams. It covers vision correction only when necessary following cataract surgery. However, it does not include coverage for eyeglasses, contact lenses, or refractive surgeries. Medicare Part B does cover annual glaucoma screenings for individuals at high risk. Additionally, it covers cataract surgery and the associated costs, with beneficiaries responsible for a 20% Medicare coinsurance after meeting their annual Medicare deductible.


Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage) Vision Benefits

Medicare Part C, also known as Medicare Advantage, offers an alternative way to access Original Medicare Vision benefits. Private insurers approved by Medicare provide Medicare Advantage plans. These plans are required to offer at least the same benefits as Original Medicare Vision Plan (with the exception of hospice care, which remains covered by Medicare Part A). Private insurers can also include additional benefits, such as dental, vision, and Medicare prescription drug coverage. If a Medicare Advantage plan includes routine vision coverage, your premiums may be slightly higher compared to plans that do not. Some Medicare Advantage plans offer comprehensive vision care, including eye exams, vision correction devices, and other vision-related services.


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It’s imperative for beneficiaries to thoroughly explore available dental coverage options, ensuring alignment with their specific healthcare and financial needs. Always validate information with the most recent and localized data to ensure accurate and beneficial plan selection.


“Get Help Enrolling in a Medicare Advantage Plan from a Licensed Sales Agent”

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    Electronic Scope of Appointment

    Senior Healthcare Advisors offers Medicare Advantage plans, Supplement Insurance plans, and Stand-Alone Prescription Drug plan options.
    Agreeing to this does not affect your current or future Medicare enrollment status, nor will it obligate you to enroll or automatically enroll you in a plan. This scope of appointment is effective as of: and grants permission to discuss the above plan types, You may revoke consent to contact or scope of appointment at any time.

    Terms & Conditions

    You may be contacted by a licensed insurance agent. Providing your number (000.000.0000) and clicking “yes” is your electronic signature authorizing Senior Healthcare Advisors, LLC, and its affiliates, agents, representatives, and service providers (collectively, “Senior Healthcare Advisors”) to send you marketing telephone calls, pre-recorded calls, text messages, and messages at the number and email address you provided using an ATDS or automated systems for the selection or dialing of telephone numbers. Your consent is not required as a condition of purchase. Benefits may vary by carrier and location. Limitations and exclusions may apply. We do not offer every plan available in your area. Currently we represent [6] organizations which offer [81,602] products in your area. Please contact, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your options. We are not responsible for the content or accuracy of the information provided by other sources. It is important to note that our marketing materials may not include all the plans available in your area, and any information we provide is limited to the plans we offer in your area. You also confirm that you are the subscriber to, or the customary user of, the telephone number and e-mail address you provided. You may unsubscribe at any time. Senior Healthcare Advisors, LLC, a licensed health insurance agency that sells Medicare products and operates as Senior Healthcare Advisors,LLC owns Senior Healthcare, Advisors, LLC a non-government organization. Please note that Senior Healthcare Advisors is not affiliated with or connected with Medicare or any other government program or agency. Senior Healthcare Advisors, LLC, represents Medicare Advantage [HMO, PPO and PFFS] organizations [and stand-alone PDP prescription drug plans] that have a Medicare contract. Enrollment depends on the plan’s contract renewal. Enrollment can be limited to certain times of the year unless you qualify for a special election or enrollment period or you are in your Medicare Initial Election Period. General Benefits: Not all plans offer all of these benefits; benefits may vary by carrier and location. Limitations and exclusions may apply.




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