Live With Less Stress: 8 Tips For Your Golden Years The Basics It would benefit everyone if our golden years pass with ease and tranquility. Living a stress-free life as we get older requires practice and preparation and the following tricks and tips will help you better prepare to manage stressful situations while you move forward into your golden years. There are so many beautiful things about your golden years such as long-term relationships and more free time
The Timeless Power of Laughter: How it Boosts Happiness and Well-being We’ve all heard the old saying “Laughter is the best medicine.” Well, there is a great deal of truth in this adage! In every senior there is a plethora of knowledge, memory, and perspective that only time and experience can grant, so just “imagine” their “imagination”! For any senior reading this article… those amazing, creative things you have been imagining… get going and do them!; The whole world needs your