About SeniorHealthcare

This author SeniorHealthcare has created 106 entries.

Are You Choosing Coinsurance or Copay?

Copays or coinsurance are not the enemy. Here’s the bottom line – if you are receiving Medicare benefits, you either pay a coinsurance or a copay. It is totally up to you which one you choose, but before you do, here is something you should probably know. What is coinsurance? A coinsurance is a portion of your medical bill that you are responsible for – the one that you get a bill for in the mail. Coinsurance is calculated as a percentage

Two Thirds of Americans Don’t Plan for Healthcare in Retirement

According to Social Security Administration, every day, approximately 10,000 baby boomers in the United States hit their retirement age. Unfortunately, many are unprepared for retirement, lacking sufficient retirement savings or a retirement budget. While many soon-to-be retirees will face financial issues, there’s one issue that stands out for the majority of baby boomers … The cost of Healthcare! When surveyed, 65% of non-retired Americans ages 50 and over stated they had no plan at all to handle unforeseen health-related expenses. No plan is

Drawing Social Security and Squeezing For Cash? 5 Things You Can Do For Free

Social Security was never meant to be your only source of income when you retire and we are certain that you did not plan to be in such a huge income deficit in what should be the delight and highlight of your life – retirement. But with meager pensions, almost nonexistent savings and expected life spans continuously getting longer, Social Security has been the saving grace for many. It is the “at least” for many Americans after all else has

Medicare and Diabetes

Diabetes is a national phenomenon and an epidemic by right. It is also a sweeping health issue among seniors in the US, with 25% of people ages 65 and older suffering from diabetes. This means that about 12 million seniors are suffering from this condition. This is not a disease to be taken lightly since the more aged a person with diabetes gets, the more prone they are to having complications from the illness. According to the World Health Organization,

Medicare Advantage: Is There A Catch?

Medicare Advantage plans have proven repeatedly that they are the answer to many of the healthcare needs that arise with Medicare beneficiaries. This is one of the reasons why many Medicare beneficiaries are on the hunt for the best Medicare advantage plan and the top-rated Medicare advantage plans in 2021. But don’t take my word for it, a quick database research will show that on average 32,600 Medicare beneficiaries search the internet for the best Medicare advantage plan daily. Medicare Advantage

9 Heart-Healthy Superfoods to Add to Your Diet

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States, but we can do much to change that. What you put into your diet directly impacts your heart health, which means making a few changes in your diet could save your life. If you want to lower your blood sugar and bad cholesterol or help unblock your arteries, you will want to shop for these heart-smart foods that are commonly overlooked. Fruits are good