A man and woman walk on the beach, sharing a joyful moment.

Embracing Life: Navigating the Shadows of Suicidal Thoughts

“When the going gets tough, lean on those who’ve got your back.” – Unattributed

Anchoring Hope in Troubling Times

Dwelling on ending one’s life, much like other mental wellness issues, can impact anyone, no matter their background, gender, age, or race. Dubbed suicidal ideations, they’re distressing, yet quite common. Yet, it’s crucial to remember that they should never be brushed off as just another feeling. They can be indicative of deeper struggles.

Laughter Protects Against Disease

#1. Laughter is a Natural Painkiller

#2. Laughter Strengthens Your Heart

You can go for a jog, tell a joke, or even walk with a buddy. Whichever you choose, just know it’s good for your cardiovascular system. Cardio workouts, like jogging, laughing, or riding a bike, all strengthen your heart muscles.

#3. Laughter Protects Against Disease

The more you laugh – the more positive you live your life. A study conducted at Harvard University revealed that the more you laugh, the more positive approach you take toward life and the fewer chronic illnesses you might develop. On the flip side, those who take a negative approach to life, have a higher risk for developing chronic illnesses, such as diabetes or high blood pressure (hypertension).

#4. Laughter Lowers Your Blood Pressure

Do you suffer from hypertension? Try laughing aloud to lower and maintain healthy blood pressure. The University of Maryland School of Medicine conducted longitudinal (long-term) studies which found laughter is associated with a decreased risk of stroke and heart attack. A good belly laugh heats up and then cools down your stress response and at first it raises your heart rate and then lowers it, resulting in a very relaxed feeling.

#5. Improves your Mood

Some people experience depression, especially those suffering from chronic illnesses. Since laughter lessens your stress level, depression, and anxiety, it automatically puts you in a better mood. Being in a better mood can also improve your self-confidence and self-esteem.

Go ahead and give more laughter a try. Just turn your mouth into a smile and then laugh (even if you are forcing it). After you have tried giving yourself a big chuckle, take notice of how you’re feeling. Do you feel happier and less stressed? Are your muscles more relaxed? That’s the natural gift of laughter!

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Imagination Has No Age

Within the existence of every senior is their knowledge, their memory, and their perspective over the course of their lives that only age can give. Of course, some spend their later years sitting idly watching Youtube day by day, or they can use their memory to harness their imagination and perspectives in new ways.

According to a study conducted by The National Institute on Aging(NIA), a healthy dose of “imagination” helps our seniors remember when to take their medications and to follow the advice of their healthcare providers.

As we age, our bodies depend on exercise to stay strong and fit. The old saying “if you don’t use it…you’ll lose it” happens to be true. The same goes for the mind. Older people must exercise their brains through mental stimulation to make sure they stay sharp and avoid cognitive decline.


Why Mental Stimulation Is Important

When we were younger we had loads of things to keep our mind busy: working, managing relationships, raising children, and that is just a few things we kept busy with. But, as we have grown older and retired and the children have been launched, we have much less stimulation, and without it, seniors are at a risk for declining cognitive skills, such as:
  • Reasoning
  • Awareness
  • Perception
  • Memory
  • Attention
The good news is there are easy and simple ways to use your imagination to keep stimulating your mind and keep it sharp, including improving the quality of your life and health, the ability to keep connected, and feeling a sense of accomplishment.

Keep Our Seniors Connected

Something as easy as engaging in conversations with people daily can help you maintain your cognitive abilities. Furthermore, keeping a commitment to engaging in conversations will help you to stay connected with those you care about. Whether it is Facetiming or calling a friend, grandchild, child, etc., reminiscing about the wonderful memories you share, and taking the time to do it, will keep you mentally sharp.

Quality Life

Improves the Quality of Life

Using your imagination is a form of mental stimulation that can positively impact your overall health. The more active your mind is, the less of a chance you will have of developing physical problems, and mental health problems.
For older adults suffering from anxiety or depression, stimulating your mind and imagination with positive thoughts can reduce the symptoms and help you to feel joyful every day.

Stress can negatively impact your overall health and wellness, and combating stress with mental stimulation is a fantastic way that will increase your chances of living a happier and longer life.

Dreams are Forever

Do you picture lazy days on a hammock in the Bahamas? Maybe you have decided on a life of travel to all 424 National Parks in America. Or you will finally finish that science fiction novel you started months ago.

As the life expectancy for human beings has increased, people look at retirement as a “second life” rather than “the end of life”.
These days, people are turning to the dreams they’ve dreamt for many years rather than the familiar comfort of their chairs, as life is gearing up for another chapter.
The concept of retirement allows individuals to dream big. People may feel that they have fulfilled one career, they met their financial, social, and familial responsibilities and shed the chains of 9 to 5, finally free to do as they dream.
Strolling through a national park or hopping onboard a cruise are both valuable dreams you may want to look into. Here’s why:

National Parks

National Parks are a fantastic way to embrace your golden years and explore all of the beauty and wonder the parks have to offer. Best of all, Senior Passes are available for access to the national parks and other federal recreation sites.


Cruises are a great option for seniors to partake in. Trade in the maps and long drives for your pick of one of the dining options, pools, and entertainment available on a cruise.
Taking cruises is a perfect option for seniors to enjoy all of the amenities and new places luxury ships have to offer. Seniors can take an all-inclusive vacation with everything taken care of! Many cruise lines offer dance lessons, cooking demonstrations, fitness classes, bingo, and celebrity shows for all to enjoy.
What better way to bond with your family than on a cruise together? Let’s not forget to relax in the hot tubs, pools, and spas. Most ships cater to seniors offering the beauty of the sea and a way to visit many cities and places.
Here are some more reasons you may dream of the sea and why you should get on the ship to enjoy yourself onboard:
  • Port and explore many destinations all over the world
  • Watch a sunrise and sunset view along with the enormity of the deep blue sea surrounding you.
  • Stuff your face with all-you-can-eat dining
  • Go to the Movies
  • Partake in the Cruise’s casino activities
  • Enjoy room service
  • Take in the salt water and ocean breeze
  • No need for dragging luggage
  • No driving

As we become older it is simple to just let life lead us rather than us leading our lives. We can’t live our lives on ‘auto pilot’. It’s not just another day to follow the status quo or to let the status quo become our lifestyle. It’s time to realize whether or not we are allowing age to steer us away from following our dreams or setting new goals. “It’s time to kick off the autopilot and follow our dreams for setting new goals, going to new places, and enjoying every minute we have left on this beautiful planet!”

***Disclaimer: This is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any further questions or concerns you may have with your provider.***

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    Senior Healthcare Advisors offers Medicare Advantage plans, Supplement Insurance plans, and Stand-Alone Prescription Drug plan options.
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    You may be contacted by a licensed insurance agent. Providing your number (000.000.0000) and clicking “yes” is your electronic signature authorizing Senior Healthcare Advisors, LLC, and its affiliates, agents, representatives, and service providers (collectively, “Senior Healthcare Advisors”) to send you marketing telephone calls, pre-recorded calls, text messages, and messages at the number and email address you provided using an ATDS or automated systems for the selection or dialing of telephone numbers. Your consent is not required as a condition of purchase. Benefits may vary by carrier and location. Limitations and exclusions may apply. We do not offer every plan available in your area. Currently we represent [6] organizations which offer [81,602] products in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your options. We are not responsible for the content or accuracy of the information provided by other sources. It is important to note that our marketing materials may not include all the plans available in your area, and any information we provide is limited to the plans we offer in your area. You also confirm that you are the subscriber to, or the customary user of, the telephone number and e-mail address you provided. You may unsubscribe at any time. Senior Healthcare Advisors, LLC, a licensed health insurance agency that sells Medicare products and operates as Senior Healthcare Advisors,LLC owns Senior Healthcare, Advisors, LLC a non-government organization. Please note that Senior Healthcare Advisors is not affiliated with or connected with Medicare or any other government program or agency. Senior Healthcare Advisors, LLC, represents Medicare Advantage [HMO, PPO and PFFS] organizations [and stand-alone PDP prescription drug plans] that have a Medicare contract. Enrollment depends on the plan’s contract renewal. Enrollment can be limited to certain times of the year unless you qualify for a special election or enrollment period or you are in your Medicare Initial Election Period. General Benefits: Not all plans offer all of these benefits; benefits may vary by carrier and location. Limitations and exclusions may apply.

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